Lecture during Halmstad Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems 2017Title: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, part 1 of 3. Speaker: Andre Platzer


Logical errors in computer hardware and software can have significant economic and societal impact, while errors in the embedded systems that are increasingly used in safety-critical applications like “drive-by-wire” and implantable medical devices, can lead to loss of human life.

Besöksadress Kämpegatan 7, Postadress Platzer Fastigheter AB, Box 211, 401 23 Göteborg. Öppettider 08-16. Andre Platzer - The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon Andr e Platzer (CMU) Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems CPS V&V I&F 2 / 11. CPS are Multi-Dynamical Systems d i s c r e te c onti n u o u s nondet l c CPS Dynamics CPS are characterized by multiple facets of dynamical systems. CPS Compositions CPS combine multiple simple dynamical e ects. 2021-02-26 Andr e Platzer (CMU) The Complete Proof Theory of Hybrid Systems LICS 2 / 25. Hybrid Systems: e.g., Car Control Challenge (Hybrid Systems) Fixed ruledescribing state evolution Continuous dynamics (di erential equations) Discrete dynamics (control decisions) 1 More than computers: no NullPointerException 6)safe Andr e Platzer (CMU) Veri cation of Nonlinear Models and Compositional Models CMACS’10 1 / 20.

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andre_platzer_small . admin . Subscribe 0. 8 months. 15 Views. Share Add to. Want to watch this again later?

André's research ambitions on hybrid and real-time systems are connected with the Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR AVACS, which is led by Director Prof. Werner Damm.

I am interested in the intersection of machine learning and systems. The real excitement of this area comes from what can enable when we bring advanced learning techniques and system together.

Computer Science Department, Robotics Institute. Carnegie Mellon University.

Platzer cmu

The Complete Proof Theory of Hybrid Systems Andr e Platzer aplatzer@cs.cmu.edu Logical Systems Lab Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 0.2 0.4

News & Press Releases; Updates & Alerts; The Link Magazine Andr e Platzer (CMU) Logic of Hybrid Games 1 / 4 Technical Report CMU-CS-13-100R, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, January, Revised and Talks organised by Andre Platzer — CMU. This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Andre Platzer — CMU actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system. CMU-CS-14-120 Unpublished. CMU-CS-14-121 ModelPlex: Verified Runtime Validation of Verfied Cyber-Physical System Models Stefan Mitsch, André Platzer Abstract, .pdf. CMU-CS-14-122 Invariance of Conjunctions of Polynomial Equalities for Algebraic Differential Equations Khalil Ghorbal, Andrew Sogokon, André Platzer Abstract, .pdf. CMU-CS-14-123 Formale Systeme II: Theorie SS 2018 Prof.

Platzer cmu

Andr e Platzer (CMU) Di erential Game Logic TOCL’15 2 / 26. Can you trust a computer to control physics?
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Andre Platzer - The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon Platzer är ett av Göteborgs största och ledande fastighetsbolag inom kommersiella fastigheter, främst kontor. Vi förvaltar Göteborgs bästa platser! Lecture during Halmstad Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems 2017Title: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, part 1 of 3. Speaker: Andre Platzer Andr e Platzer (CMU) Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems CPS V&V I&F 2 / 11. CPS are Multi-Dynamical Systems d i s c r e te c onti n u o u s nondet l c CPS Dynamics CPS are characterized by multiple facets of dynamical systems.

Formale Systeme II: Theorie SS 2016 Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert Dr. Mattias Ulbrich Slides by courtesy of Andre Platzer, CMU KIT { Die Forschungsuniversit at in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft www.kit.edu 2021-04-03 · "The system we created is in many ways one of the most complicated cyber-physical systems that has ever been fully verified formally," said Andre Platzer, an assistant professor of computer science.
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Soundness and Completeness Theorem (Relative Completeness) dLcalculus is a sound & complete axiomatization of hybrid systems relative to di erential equations. Proof Outline 15p Corollary (Proof-theoretical Alignment) Robotics Seminar Videos, Robotics Institute, CMU http://www.youtube.com/embed?layout=gallery&listType=playlist&list=PLCFD85BC79FE703DF Platzer, Loos and Nistor showed that they could verify the safety of their adaptive cruise control system by breaking the problem into modular pieces and organizing the pieces in a hierarchy. The smallest piece consists of just two cars in a single lane.

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Andre Platzer, assistant professor of computer science, is one of 10 young scientists chosen by the editors of Popular Science for the magazine's annual "Brilliant 10" list. Platzer, who the magazine dubbed the "Crash Test Anti-Dummy," was cited for his work on verification software for hybrid systems, such as collision avoidance systems in flight control and railway control systems.

The Complete Proof Theory of Hybrid Systems. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-11-144, November 2011.